Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
For the want of a liter of petrol...
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2022-12-23
Language English
Scenario BBoB001

This is a very exciting scenario and one of the best PG scenarios I have yet played.

Played solo with Fog-of-War and Smoke.

The Brits decided to defend the main town on Board 24 while placing an outpost in the small town on the ridge. They decided not to defend any towns on Board 23 but had two Sherman platoons blocking the road coming up from Board 25 and with orders to fall back just out of view from the mist to delay the German advance if they come that way.

The Germans decided to roll up into Board 23, push back the screen, grab all the town hexes and assault the ridge on Board24. But the plan fell apart right away, expectantly, from the fuel shortages. The panzergrenadiers moved up for a turn, abandoned their halftracks and set out on foot towards the ridge. What tanks that started did push back the British screen and the armored cars did get to take the Bd 23 towns. The brits moved another platoon to the ridge with an officer. They dug in and were supported by a Sherman and Firefly platoon. Another pair of Shermans came forward to screen the center then fall back to the ridge. Once the panzers refueled and moved forward, there was brief tank fire exchange at the ridge which killed some Shermans including half of the fireflies. the brits puled the tanks back and eft the poor bloody infantry to hold the ridge.

The two infantry platoons held out for quite a while shrugging off MG fire and tank fire. Finally, the position blocking the road fell, but the Germans could not take the town, only contest it. This the ridge objective was not gained. The German tanks lunged at the large town, hoping to gain a hex or tow and maybe gain the town objective. They did kill a Sherman platoon and had an opening, but the panthers ran out of gas and the Mk IV platoon was killed by the last step of the Firefly firing from the flank. This one wen to the last turn with the Germans having a modicum of a chance to win.

The fuel special rules made for this one to be a very interesting and fun scenario.

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