Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hold Until Relieved, Colonel Stark!
Author treadasaurusrex (United States)
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2022-12-05
Language English
Scenario AAAD029

This was a very quick, 1-session play-through with the boldly aggressive, Wayne Baumber, as the attacking Commander of a strong combined arms German Battle Group. I played the defending – and overmatched – Task Force Stark. We ignored the defense-favoring FOW rule, but used the consolidation, and excess initiative optional rules.

The first and only session of this play-through (game turns 1-8) was characterized be a 2-pronged German attack from the south-central and southeast margins of Map 79. The stronger right flank attack made immediate gains by close assaulting and eliminating a Stuart platoon and driving the remaining US troops back on the 40-meter hill mass. The left prong had much less success moving in the open along the road to Feriana. The only German ground troop step losses were to this pincer column -- joined later in Valhalla by a couple of over-eager SPW platoons that attempted to support this advance with a right-flanking move on Feriana. Eventually, the aggressive German right flank pincer attack, collapsed the over-stretched American left flank positions, driving the survivors back toward Feriana, and destroying 4 steps of Stuart tanks in the process.

Final step losses totaled 9 for the hard-pressed American side, and only 4 for the Germans. However, a fair number of German units successfully exited the north edge of the board for a total of 19 victory points.

The Americans threw a remarkable NINE, utterly-futile combat 7-die rolls in this unlucky session. None were thrown by the advancing Germans, although they did throw 4 sevens in close assaults which only effected American morale. By mutual consent, we decided to end the game as a draw during Game Turn 8, as there was no longer the possibility of an outright victory for either side.

This was a poorly-designed and likely, unplay-tested, scenario that rated a generous 2, as there was very little chance of the Germans achieving a major victory without losing more than the required 10 step ceiling. Also, as in other An Army at Dawn scenarios, there was no Colonel Stark to be drawn among the American leaders! Nevertheless, it was fun to play with a challenging and wily opponent.

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