Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Holding back the Soviet masses
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-01-01
Language English
Scenario CCV1015

In this action my Captain and two Lieutenants need to stop a large and diverse Soviet force. The Germans have a fairly balanced force but without OBA. Reinforcements arrive about half way through, but the Soviets have KV-1's and T-34's. Morale goes to the Germans but terrain and setup goes to the Germans.

In setup one of my Lieutenants sets up with an AT Gun as he is a AT specialist. This could help against the lighter Soviet tanks. The Captain and the other Lt look to hold the bridge hex and force the Soviets to cross the river.

After four turns with the Soviets moving across board 7, the Germans get to OP fire on some of the advancing troops. Disruptions start to appear with a demoralization. Soviet tanks move up to support the attack and the German AT and panzers open fire. The Kv-1 and T-34s have the shells bounce off, one T-26 advances to far and is hit by the LT commanded AT gun for a kill. Soviet infantry recovers and moves to support the tanks but German mortars start to strip the infantry from the tanks. The Soviet tanks press the Germans on the bridge and try to assault without infantry support. The dug in Germans open up on the advancing T34s killing one step, but the T34 machineguns take there toll on the Germans with a step loss. Soviet infantry tries to inch forward, German HMG's keeps them disrupted, but Soviet ENG and SMGs advance with the KV-1's destroying one set of foxholes with a German INF in it.

At this point time is wearing on the Soviets, turn 15 and they are still on the east side of the river and darkness approached. More attacks by the Soviets are locked in assault and recover is not happening to the disrupted and demoralized Soviet units. In the end the Soviets manage to get 5 units across the river but the Germans hold the bridge and have destroyed more Soviet units, leaving the Germans with the victory.

I found this one interesting with the character leaders. All three leaders provided skills that help hold the Soviets off and all three look to advance in there leadership in the next scenario.

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