Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not Cooked & Not Play Tested
Author treadasaurusrex (Germany, Italy)
Victor Germany, Italy
Participants Sonora
Play Date 2022-11-25
Language English
Scenario AfKo033

This abomination of a scenario was obviously not play-tested and as others have noted is only half-baked. Thankfully, both Vince Hughes & Wayne Baumber had played it years ago, and their well-written & insightful AARs are very useful in what is essentially a "complete-it-yourself" scenario. Foolishly, Sonora and I attempted this one over 5-sessions on Vassal in the last month using the FOW, excess initiative and smoke optional rules. He commanded the defending Australian force, and I took the Axis side. Both of us had relatively poor leader draws and the scenario's weak OBA for both sides seriously affected preparatory bombardments of hard targets.

As others have shown, a set-piece, deliberate Italian assault and consolidation of S8 and S9, coupled with a German blocking effort in the vicinity of Hex 1614, does pay eventual dividends. Both entrenchments gradually weakened and fell to Il Duce's troops, the the shaky morale of the Italian infantry became a growing problem as the game went forward. In the meantime the reinforcing Australian units began to close to close the range, in spite of German delaying tactics. Before long, the surrender rule began to significantly degrade the lower morale, Italians and lessen their ability to take & hold positions. The Axis attack nearly collapsed when it came time to try an take S10 and S11. The few Italian leaders were insufficient to deal with the many demoralizations & disruptions that ensued, and the New Romans began surrendering en-masse when not spread out and stacked more than one to a hex.

As the PG Fates would have it, the majority of the Aussie reinforcements were slowed "just enough" by the steadily-falling-back Germans. Limited Australian counterattacks against S8 and S9 suffered from very bad die rolls and there were numerous Aussie casualties. Decreased visibility and the premature ending of turns by the FOW, eventually saved a number of Italian units and allowed the close assault siege of S10 and 11 to be ultimately successful, if also very costly.

My rating of 2 is based on the negative impact of the surrender rule which ruined what was a relatively well-balanced, but certainly not play-tested scenario. My opponent at least enjoyed the ability to enhance his learning in how to play online.

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