Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
They Do Shoot Horsemen... and T-60's
Author mikejames38
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-11-19
Language English
Scenario PaGr005

Russian Captain Frolov cautiously led his Russian cavalry onto the battlefield from the east, deployed in a line from north to south. Before him lay the German invaders, also spread across the battlefield, in small groups that appeared to be in the process of digging in. After a quick meeting with his lieutenants, they moved forward toward the German line for a frontal assault. As German Captain Pelzer watched the Russians advancing, Lieutenant Fahnrich called in an artillery strike from the 105mm guns stationed on the hill behind them. As they moved closer the fire missions from the 105's and the regimental artillery to their west started to disrupt some units but not the advance. As the cavalry neared the range of the German infantry and HMG platoons, they began grouping up and streaming across to the left of the battlefield to overwhelm the German right flank. As they closed on the thinly-guarded right flank, with platoons of T-60 light tanks following close behind, the German artillery found their mark. Soon the attack had faltered as the Russians struggled with morale issues-in attempt to push the attack and cave the German right flank, the T-60's sped forward only to be met by some 37mm anti-tank guns that quickly left the tanks in flames. The Russians continued to struggle to press the attack due to morale problems-though a group of Calvary led by Lt. Grigorev did make it around the German right flank and behind the German lines, they were also hit by artillery and HMG fire that left them demoralized and looking for a way to retreat back to their lines. The end result was 11 step-losses on the Russian side and 3 for the Germans. The game ended with most Russian units having failed multiple morale checks with leaders who didn't have morale modifiers. It wasn't as much of a slaughter as I had anticipated, but the German's held without issue.

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