Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author NBGB
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2022-10-19
Language English
Scenario EFDx095

This scenario has some good points, but the victory conditions aren't one of them. It is a 4 mapper. There are 3 towns, one each on three boards. Both sides have to try and control two towns. The Nazi horde also has to try and keep any Russian units from within 5 hexes on the east side. There is major snow. Visibility is 9 hexes regardless of terrain which is 90% flat. Movement is severely reduced with foot minus 1, track minus 3, wheel -4. There is no way in my mind the Germans can even come close to winning this one. No FOW is even thinkable in this scenario.

Playing solo is ok with this one for a while though. This scenario does a good job of showing what a tough fight it is in these conditions. There are only 24 turns and one road that goes the length of the battlefield so no way the Germans can ever get their units that start on the western side all the way across. They have a strong infantry force on the west edge near a town and enter anywhere from the south edge with a fairly strong armor force. Not that great because of severely limited mobility. I tried to think if the Germans could have two separate attacks. The west town is a forgone conclusion for a battle. There is a town right near the southern edge that looks enticing, but the Russians can set up very close and so that's not a freebie either.

The Germans didn't have enough power in my opinion to take either close town with their split force so I tried to link up and take the west town with both forces and then use strategic movement to at least take another town. No way to get all the way to the eastern edge and remove the token Russian half infantry platoon there. Maybe get a draw.

This was over almost from the get go. The Russians had initiative and occupied the west town before the Germans could get there. They had SMG units and 4 platoons of KV1's to hold that town. The Germans tried to assualt from the west and bring armor from the south in a pincer. Total disaster as th KV's blasted the Pz lll and iv's as the terrain approaching the town was wide open and movement was only 2 hexes at a time.

There is a forest next to the town but the Russians got there first and denied that cover. Combine excellent AT rolls from the KV's with deadly 30 point artillery and the Germans took 16 step losses to the Russian 2. Many assaults were tried in the woods to get some cover but the die roll modifiers and the weakening of the assault forces on approach were devastating.

Called this one at 1PM after 8 turns as most of the armor was gone and the assaults were ugly. General winter was really the commander in this scenario.

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