Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Some Bold Aussies and Few Tanks
Author treadasaurusrex (Germany, Italy)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany, Italy
Participants sagunto
Play Date 2021-10-15
Language English
Scenario AfKo021

In this 3-session play though, Axis forces tried doing what previous players have attempted, namely; to push-in on the right flank aiming to bludgeon the garrison and capture the first entrenchment nearest the west edge of the map (Hex 1901). As an experiment, we tried playing this scenario using the dreaded Fog of War (FOW) rule. This was definitely not fun for either side and the FOW rule ended up hurting the attacking Axis units worse than the defending Australians. Both players drew very poor leaders.

The Axis got off to decent start by clearing the first entrenchment by assault on turn 3 at cost of 1 step of German infantry and several units disrupted by Allied OBA. Unluckily for the brave Australian defenders, they lost their artillery support in the 4th turn. When the Axis tried to setup an assault on he next entrenchment (Hex 1803), again the FOW rule ended the turn prematurely. Between the interlocking fire from well-sighted Aussie HMG units, very aggressive Australian counter attacks, the constant FOW interference in attack sequencing, the chore of getting across the darn AT ditch, and excellent Aliied morale recovery throws, the next entrenchment held out for 3 full turns. However bad dice kept the 2 armored elements of the British 1st Royal Tanks off the map until turn 8. Axis tanks withdrew beginning on turn 7, just after the 2nd entrenchment fell at the cost of an additional 3 steps of assaulting German infantry.

As darkness fell on the final turn, the Axis had lost 4 steps of infantry, as well as 3 Lieutenants and a Sergeant who fled the field. The Australians lost 7 steps of infantry and 2 steps of HMGs along with their Captain -- thus suffering the effects of senior leader decapitation -- as well as a pair of Lieutenants, and their only Sergeant. The Axis won this one by the skin of their teeth, with both their HMG units disrupted and 3 infantry platoons demoralized and routed in the final 4 turns. The Axis side suffered no armored losses in the few turns that these units participated. This is a relatively fast scenario to play, but both opponents agreed that between the FOW rule-shortened turns, and the unfortunate loss of tank involvement, play devolved into a infantry slug fest that felt more like a tedious chore, than the enjoyable scenario that others have described in their AARs. I rated this one as a 2. Both of us agreed that the combination of the special rules pulling units in-and-out of play and delaying entry for others; and the Allies early loss of their artillery support made this one virtually unwinnable for the defending Australian side.

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