Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
3rd Fallschirmjagers Hold Fast
Author mikejames38
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-09-06
Language English
Scenario IN44002

At the beginning of the game the German forces are split into two groups-regular Wehrmacht to the north and Fallschirmjagers entering from the south. In establishing their defense in the north, the Wehrmacht units split into two sub-groups - one defending Les Fresnes and another dug in on a hill near the crossroads to delay the US advance towards Couvains. Splitting the forces cost the Wehrmacht, as Les Fresnes fell quickly. While the group dug in at the crossroads did delay the US infantry somewhat, they were battered by off-board artillery and mortars, reducing their number and leaving them demoralized and leaderless after Captain Trauth fell during an assault by US infantry on their position. After Trauth fell, the remnants of the group were mopped up easily.

The delaying action by this group did allow the Fallschirmjagers entering the map at the south edge to proceed to Couvains unmolested and set up their defenses. The advance of the US forces was hampered by fog until the final turn, with visibility 1-2 hexes for most of the game-this limited their ability to pound Couvains with direct fire or artillery, as the spotting unit had to be adjacent to the target which led to losses from German direct fire. Wehrmacht stragglers, Lieutenants Madelung and Olbrich along with some anti-tank guns and a HMG platoon, arrived to assist the Fallschirmjagers before the US forces closed on Couvains. By turn 12 assaults began in all town hexes, and the Fallschirmjagers held fast-US troops became disrupted and demoralized, fell back and were replaced by fresh troops who suffered the same fate. The US armor advantage was for naught, as the Sherman platoon was demoralized and the platoon of Stuart tanks destroyed. As the game ended, Couvains was surrounded by broken US units, the Germans held one town hex and the others were still being disputed.

Lt. Madelung, who with an HMG platoon held off US advances against Couvains for several turns before being overrun and annihilated, was posthumously awarded the Iron Cross.

The losses for the US were not light - 7 step losses - but given their numerical superiority they were still an effective fighting force. The losses for the Germans were nearly double at 13 step losses - of the Wehrmacht forces that began the game, only Lt. Olbrich survived. The Fallschirmjagers suffered losses as well, 4 of the total 13 steps... with orders to hold Couvains to the last man, they did so and had still not given an inch of ground as the game ended for a minor German victory that felt pretty major.

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