Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Let's Run Against the Wall Laddies
Author Blackcloud6 (Britain)
Victor Britain
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2022-08-24
Language English
Scenario POCH002

I played this against the indefatigable Tredasaurusrex who covers the action well in his AAR. I figured in this one, the Scots had to get as many points as soon as they can and force the Germans to then counterattack. My plan was to try to run the Bren carrier quickly to the north to exit the one required infantry platoon for two points while a company of infantry covers the bran carrier's flank and then head to the road for those VC. Meanwhile the main attack would hammer away at the farm. The flanking plan worked and forced the German reinforcements come in by paradrop at the north end of the map, thus keeping them away from the bloody fight at the farm. Mid game was a long dice rolling match as both sides fired away at each oat the farm and at the Scots' road position, here they managed to dig. With both sides having high morale and the nasty Fallschirmjaegers have a few 2 morale leaders, it turned into a dice contest.

But once the Scots' reinforcements came in, they gained fire superiority and thus more chance at good luck and the Germans in the farm crumbled. Then the northern Scot's ran south and got into the town on Board 98 and couldn't be rousted.

Not a bad scenario, I gave it the two rating though because these urban assault against high morale troops canturn into a contest of luck and not skill.

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