Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
How To Win A Battle Without Firing A Shot !
Author vince hughes (Romania)
Method Face to Face
Victor Romania
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2010-11-13
Language English
Scenario EFDx043

Played ftf with fellow PG'er Wayne Baumber. A tricky looking one for the Romanians. Having to decide just when to stick or twist

Rumanian Odyssey Continues As They Press For Chisnau

Those that follow these reports will know that we have been playing through Rumania's part in the War chronologically. This battle now brings us in front of the gates of Chisnau. But it is not for the Rumanians to engage the enemy, but instead, to push by them with as many tanks as possible for use in the upcoming bigger struggle. This would be troublesome because apart from T26's, the dreaded T34 would be facing the R2's

And There Off~

Around 0700 hours, word came in that Russian tanks had been spotted. Mainly T26 type tanks but also supported by the very worrying behemoths called the T34. Upon finally spotting the enemy, our group split into two companies and fanned out wide. The Soviets were heading right up the main road and a head-on battle was the last thing our R2 tanks required. This 'fanning out' put the enemy in a quandary. His T26 tanks would not have the speed to tackle our boys in open ground and would need the road to operate with any speed at all. However, the T34 tanks could more than compete in cross-country conditions and these frightening beasts continued to push forward. Trouble was, their was only two platoons of them.

A game of cat & mouse now ensued as the Rumanian R2’s edgily attempted to round their foe whilst the T34’s likewise did their best to get a first jump on the Rumanians. Eventually, about 0900 near a farmland area on the left-wing of the Rumanians, some of them were caught as the T34’s opened up on them. Within 30 minutes, 2 of the Rumanian tanks had been lost. However, their sacrifice was not in vain. The rest of the Royal Armoured on that wing were able to scramble forward unhindered. What’s more, the T34’s took some time recovering from their engagement and were now far behind the Rumanian R2’s. Likewise, on the Rumanian right, a large number of Russian T26’s supported by a platoon of T34’s also placed some Rumanian tankers in peril. Once again, 2 more Rumanian tanks were lost, but without losing their heads and keeping cohesion, this group also managed to scurry away toward Chisnau.

Escape, Breakthrough and Downright Cheek !

The situation by 1015 was that the Rumanians had finally managed to squeeze enough of their forces away and onwards to Chisnau. Six tanks had been lost, and now the Soviets tried to move in on some R2’s that had trailed behind. For 90 minutes the chase and trapping attempt of the Rumanian tanks went on. And then, their commander, looking down the barrel of death had to make the most amazing manoeuvre of his life. Trapped by 16 T26’s and 4 T34’s, the commander of the 8 Rumanian tanks suddenly ordered his and his mens tanks to swing violently 180 degrees and drive at top speed past the Russian tanks. The enemy fired non-stop as the Rumanians attempted to speed by their enemy. Amazingly, despite the closeness of range and the nigh-on suicidal chances of the move, the R2’s rounded their enemy and made the highway behind the Russian tanks to speed off toward Chisnau after their comrades that had already forced a way through.

This gamble had provided the Rumanians with more tanks than they had expected for the Chisnau assault and a victory for the Rumanians on the day having outfoxed and out-lucked their enemy. All cheer the 1st Royal Armoured !

With quite a lot of thought, patience and riding out the best odds against enemy attacks, the Rumanians made it a victory. In the final part, to avoid losing their victory and being saddled with a draw, the Rumanians managed to squeeze two platoons past 5 enemy platoons firing at them, when the 5 enemy platoons needed just 9's to hit and missed all 5 shots !!

It is also worth noting that through the 20 turns played, NOT one shot was fired by the Rumanians, NOT ONE SHOT !. It was ALL movement and IMO it HAD to be. To stand and shoot would have committed them too much in one position that the T34's could probably have taken advantage of. My opponent Wayne was severely unlucky in not securing the draw. The escape past the 5 x 9's shot was a veritable PG miracle

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