Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Red Steel : Crossed Sabres - Eastern Front Deluxe Scenario 32
Author vince hughes (Romania)
Method Face to Face
Victor Soviet Union
Participants waynebaumber
Play Date 2009-10-28
Language English
Scenario EFDx032

"Crossed Sabres" : This is a 2 board-map battle with a Rumanian Cavalry force backed up at the rear by some infantry. Their mission is to clear the main road of any Soviets within 3 hexes of that road without losing 8 or more steps.The Russians consisted of 6 x CAV steps, some HMG's and AT guns, MTR's and 2 x 12 OBA. The Rumanians had 1 x 10 OBA.

Some of the features of this scenario were that the Rumanian INF could not leave the rear board and therefore NOT assist any offensive movement, and the Rumanians were equipped with a can of beans disguised as a tank called the R1 (as weak as a KMS).

In the event, we had the oppurtunity to play this scenario TWICE in the day. The Soviet had cannily set up his HMG's, AT and MTR's on a hill within 3 hexes of the road. With their 8 morale plus a leader with a +1 modifier and dug-in, this made for a very tough hedge-hog for a Cavalry force to deal with.In the first play, the Rumanians grabbed a chance at a complete regimental charge at the hill as the OBA of the enemy (24pts) was always on the 30 coloumn (+1 v CAV) and would easily eventually knock out a substantial amount of steps. To the eye, it looked like this large charge might shift the enemy. In reality, with OBA, OPP Fire, defending uphill and 1st strike dug in......... It was a complete slaughter......... Game Over turn 4 (casualties were 8 x Rumanian CAV v 1 x Soviet CAV and a MTR). MY FIRST RUMANIAN LOSS !

In game 2 (or attempt 2) of this scenario, the Rumanian CAV force decided to stay in the woods, in limiting terrain and therefore unseen. In the meantime, their 2 HMG platoons with leadership would advance to said hill to begin a hopeful whittling down of the hedge-hog and prey for some double 1's with their 8 FP OBA to cause some damage. Meanwhile, a small flanking force caused the Russian Cavalry some problems. All this went much better than game one. The Soviets racked up some losses but that darned hedge-hog was still there.

In the end, with a lot of SOV forces around the hill dealt with, an attack had to go in up on THAT hill, though this time it came from the rear. Once more the CAV charged and this time they cut down the Soviet MTR crews where they stood. But this produced it's own problem. Standing there, in the open, point blank range they then sustained some more heavy casualties from adjacent hex Soviet troops firing (2 steps lost + disorder) thus taking Rumanian losses once more to 8 steps ! Game Over turn 13 Rumanian's lose 2 x HMG steps & 6 CAV steps, Soviet losses 6 x CAV and 2 x MTR)

End result and feelings on this game... 2 x Rumanian loss results in trying this task, and if you are the Soviet,then make sure to hedge-hog that hill, it looks unbeatable in this scenario.

Anybody else tried it, I'm sure there will be a Rumanian winner, but did the Soviets defend said hill ?

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