Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
1st Panzer Secures a Bridgehead on the Ardennes Canal!
Author treadasaurusrex (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2022-08-15
Language English
Scenario FaoF024

This was a rather disappointing 3-session play-through ending in a conceded German Major victory on game turn 17. The defending French were led by the redoubtable, playful and cagey, Wayne Baumber. Thankfully, we skipped the Fog of War optional rule, but used the Consolidation, Excess Initiative and smoke optional rules.

The 1st session (game turns 1-5) featured the – initially rather weak – German 1st Panzer Division task force moving to contact from the north to the vicinity of two bridge sites on Map 30. This pair of bridges cross the Ardennes Canal were the primary objectives for the relentless fascist invaders. Fierce French resistance at the northern bridge held up the German infantry sent to take it. However, a company of dismounted German motorcycle troops had much better luck at the southernmost bridge and began a close assault after half the initial defenders fled. A scratch, combined arms force began reinforcing the east-bank defenders beginning on game turn 3. By the end of this session, the French has lost 4 steps, including a section of H-39 light tanks, and a HMG platoon in what rapidly became a fiercely contested, close assault on the southern bridge. Surprisingly, no German losses were registered in the first 4 game turns.

The 2nd session (game turns 6-12) was initially characterized by continued bitter fighting at both Map 30 bridge sites. In the south, close assaults in the bridge hex turned into a seesaw action in which the Germans briefly controlled the bridge and then quickly folded in the face of surprisingly brisk French direct fire. At the northern crossing, the Boche managed to take the bridge on game turn 7 and their troops rushed across to begin pushing the French back to the south. A well-executed tactical withdrawal by the French Commander kept the retreating French infantry from being decisively engaged on the east bank of the canal. To the growing frustration of the German Commander, no reinforcements or OBA arrived by the end of game turn 12. This session’s step losses totaled: 11 for the French, and 4 German. A combined total of six combat die rolls of 7, marred several direct fire and close assaults by both sides.

The 3rd session (game turns 13-17) included the long-delayed arrival of German reinforcements and OBA, ironically, on the same turn as the French received theirs. The re-invigorated French side immediately moved west and engaged the thinly-spread German formations in the northern portion of Map 30, but not before losing their last step of light tanks to long-range AT fire. Both sides had generally miserable luck in this session, managing to throw a combined TEN combat 7-die rolls! This rendered the numerical superiority of OBA for the Germans (48 to 14) to no real advantage. Multiple close assaults ensued as the French gradually pushed back the German’s perimeter, and forward-deployed their AT gun platoons. The French hold on the southern bridge solidified at the same time. The laggard Boche reinforcements never made it far enough onto the battle map to engage before the French Commander decided to concede the loss of this unbalanced scenario at the start of turn 17.

I give this scenario a 2, because it is virtually impossible for the French side to prevail against an avid opponent. The confusing set of terrain modifications, the long lag time before both side’s reinforcements arrive, unmatching map edges, and the overwhelming strength of the final German force, combine to make this a decent historic simulation, but an unbalanced one in favor of the Germans.

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