Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
That really does seem to be an awful lot of infantry...
Author goosebrown (Germany)
Victor Britain
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2022-07-09
Language English
Scenario LIBE002

The Germans thought about their defense position here for quite some time. The advancing British had a huge preponderance of infantry and a company of Shermans... And 4 naval support fires, 39 factors of OBA, and 5 airstrikes and not these wimpy Bf109s or Gloster Gladiators, but the beefy, no neck stevadore-solid Typhoons with some amazing array of things that go boom to kill my cardboard.

The Germans had a pet snail named Lazlo. Oh. And some rifles.

The German commander had placed minefields along his left frontage at the top of the hill with the town he was defending and a few mines toward the center that would hopefully canalize the British to come within the range of the two hidden anti-tank guns, a 50mm and a 75mm.

On the hill I deployed dug in 81mm mortars in the minefields in front of town so they could have a chance in an assault but alas they were destroyed by airpower and well placed artillery.

My British opponent came with the main thrust on his right and hit my left like a freight train and decimated my mortars (see above).

By turn 5 it was obvious that without even taking one more objective, he was going to exit enough units to make it a victory so I conceded and we will take up action somewhere else.

2022-07-09 20:11

Summa veritas!

2022-07-09 20:49

Hopefully a comment and not an admonition.

Comment from goosebrown removed by author.
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