Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Imperial God of War
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor Russian Empire
Play Date 2022-07-01
Language English
Scenario Au14023

The Imperial German 41st Infantry Division is tasked to move south and take the small town of Waplitz in East Prussia. They encounter a small force of the Imperial Russian Army 6th Infantry blocking a small stream in front of the town. The German commander decides to push aside the blocking force while sending a Cavalry-Infantry contingent around the west flank to assault the town and force the Russians to spread out. The main force will push across the stream and assault through the woods to the town.

Russian planned artillery fire hits north of the small town before the stream but causes no casualties but does impede the German maneuver. The German blast the blocking force and move forward under fire towards the woods. The flanking force engages two dug-in Russian companies in the farm filed west of Waplitz. The German suffered from Russian artillery fire and Russians manage to halt the German attack and then fall back. A quick German cavalry charge on the flank is repulsed.

The Main German attack stutters before the woods from Russian fire and then stalls when the regimental Commander is dazed from Russian field gun fire and falls into the stream. The cold water brings back his sese and the Germans push on into the woods. But the Russians cannily fall back and draw the Germans into a pre-planned bombard that clobbers the Germans and halts the attack. The German main attack fails.

On the west flank, the Germans recover when the Russian artillery shifts to the woods. They push toward the town but are unable to gain a foothold. Still somewhat dazed, the Oberst orders the Germans to regroup. A major Russian victory!

This is my first playing of an Infantry Attacks scenario since the Second Editon rules came out. I chose this one because it was relatively small and did allow use of the bombardment rules. The need to pre-plan the bombardments is interesting and in this case it worked well. It is certainly different to move from the high mobility of Panzer Grenadier and especially Panzer Grenadier Modern to the deliberate and at times ponderous pace of moving a massed WWI army. Good stuff! I think the new IA rules are good.

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