Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A Hill & Town too Far
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2022-06-09
Language English
Scenario KurS027

This is among the best PG scenarios I've played so far. It had many tactical options for both sides, constant action and maneuver and it went right down to the last turn.

The German plan was, after clearing the small western hill, to bypass the State Farm in the center of Board 38 with the main attack with a supporting attack to clear the eastern hill and town. Then with the tanks and Panzergrenadiers, move deep and take the Board 39 Objectives and then wait for the counterattack. If needed, then the State Farm could be taken. This was driven by the notion of not taking heavy casualties by fighting for the farm.

But no plan survives contact. the thunderstorms and Soviet reinforcements came early thus the mud slowed down the German advance. The Soviets decided to move the reinforcements to the hills on Board 39 and dig in while causing German casualties to exceed the cap. This decision turned out to be the one that allowed the Soviet victory. The German, now slowed by mud, and with casualties mounting, changed plans and attacked the farm, which they cleared out before turn 20. Then they turned to clear Board 39 which turned out to be a bridge too far. But they had a chance to do so all the way to the en but in the end could only get 2 of the five objectives on Board 39.

2022-06-10 01:20

Certainly enjoyed checking out the pics of this scenario on your CSW blog. Thanks for posting them there.

2022-06-10 13:32

triangular_cube, you are very welcome.

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