Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
This Phoenix fails to rise from the ashes
Author waynebaumber (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2022-05-02
Language English
Scenario FaoF046

Played v Bangla over several VASAL session this scenario has a strong German force of mixed arms take on a slightly smaller French force which will be augmented by armoured units during the game. The Germans have to push over a minor river capture bridges, town hexes and cause casualties to gain VP, the French have to hold bridges, town and also inflict step losses. Played over six boards there is a lot of scope for manoeuvre and depending on how the reinforcement rolls go there is a chance of a French counterattack. My plan was to send a smallish force in the south to fix the French infantry defending the many bridges and town hexes in that area and push hard in the centre and North to inflict casualties and capture ground behind the main French force. This plan worked ok though for the first few turns of the 30 the German commander was frustrated by smaller French forces, however superior tactics (lucky die rolls) and better elan finally caused the French resistance to collapse, the German MTC (fantastic units) and A/Cars roared thru the gap started taking town hexes and generally being a botheration to the French. The French armour did arrive and there was a epic tank battle in the North for the last few turns which eventually resulted in the French AFV's retiring. In the end the VP score was overwhelmingly in the German favour. Good big juicy scenario this, the French can win (I think) but need the reinforcing rolls to go well, the German commander to have an off day and a bit of luck. Bangla got 4 of the 8 reinforcement groups, had a really unlucky period where I took 20 steps for the loss of just 4 steps and I played a competent game. He never stood a chance :)

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