Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
If a Stuart is the Ford Pinto of North Africa, the 37mm ATG is the Ford Pinto on cinder blocks by the shed...
Author goosebrown (United States)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2022-04-08
Language English
Scenario AAAD010

Looking at the column coming from the east, the Americans didn't have that much they could do. Fair OBA, a single 105mm and three 81mm mortars. A couple 37mms one on a portee. Then a fair set of infantry and lots of M3s for fire support.

Given that the Germans coming down the road and to the sides had more or less impenetrable Panzers and a raft of well let infantry, the Americans chose to set up on the high hills in the middle with the 81mms and 50 Cal HMGs with good spotting leaders, the 37mms and the rest of the defense attempted to dig in on the reverse slopes of the forward hills, only becoming visible to the Germans at the last moment.

With the high ground advantage, the US OBA and 81mm spotters had access to almost the whole space across which, the Germans had to advance. Starting with a few good OBA rolls the German forces started to attrit as they advanced. The HMGs and the mortars on the heights also started to extract losses from the Germans in the first hour of the advance.

In the center, the Germans were able to work around the 37mm ATG and destroy it and to then attack the gun on the American left flank. With no more anti tank weapons in place to stop them, the German commander worked to methodically assault on their right flank. The Americans were able to put up strong resistance with outlying positions and with the troops on the heights. All this took a toll on both sides. At first the German losses were higher, then as the panzers and supporting infantry cleared the heights, the toll moved predominately to the Americans and stayed that way. As the American troops were driven off the heights, they tried some local counter attacks with the M3s and Infantry platoons on both flanks, but they paid the price and ultimately had to withdraw or surrender.

The result was a minor German victory due to the early losses, but ultimately that was not enough to save the Americans.

Lessons. Reverse slope defenses are hard to realize in practice. Concentrating your artillery to allow combined fire is superior in practice than disbursing it along the line. Dug in 50 cals can hold up an advance longer than you expect. Booby trap your 37mm guns early and then try to get the enemy to capture them. More are going to retire from stubbed toes and smashed fingers capturing them than will die from being shot at by them.

1 Comment
2022-04-10 23:13

Muy buen hecho, Mano!

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