Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
No Corinthian Leather Here
Author SARACV3
Method Solo
Victor Australia, Britain, New Zealand
Play Date 2022-03-28
Language English
Scenario PoCr039

With 7 special rules and a complex VC, the designer probably saved this scenario for last with good reason. At 93 counters and 3 boards, it is one the bigger scenarios in Crete. I also read the VC through 3 times ad only on the last turn did I realize that the Commonwealth had scored a Major Victory. The Germans had a small chance of scoring a victory on the last turn , but was fleeting. On the last turn two events happened to the Germans: First, no aircraft were drawn, limiting their attack on the bridge over the Corinth Canal. Second, the a FoW roll of 17 ended the game on only about the third time it was attempted on turn 14!

However, this simply ended what most probably would have been a frustrating turn for the Luftwaffe paratroopers. The beginning of the game was promising for the Germans. The Commonwealth appeared to be totally outmatched, and had to setup a certain number of its force onthe south and north side of the Canal, yet blow the bridge. Thus, they had to destroy the bridge only after they consolidated their force. They would need all their troops to fight the much stronger German force.

But their force on he south side was decimated by the Luftwaffe by the middle of the game. Their entire contingent of 4 Brens was destroyed, although one was vital to the defense of the bridge. This was key because the Germans tried to Assault the bridge from the south side, which featured a very weak landing by a PARA and PARA ENG. This force landed by glider on turn 3. The Brens tried to move toward the bridge, but 3 out of 4 never Mađe IT, being caught on the road on board 96 bu the Luftwaffe. However, the Assault on the bridge had mixed results. On one hand, the Commonwealth was prevented from Andy attempt to blow the bridge while the Germans occupied the bridge hex (really?). On the other hand, all of the assaulting force was wiped put, but destroyed the last Bren. In the meantime, the Australians trying to enter board 97 from the west, could not do so until turn 7 and did not enter play until turn 14;much to late to enter combat.

The final score: German losses = 11 steps, 3 leaders. Commonwealth = 13 steps, 2 leaders. The bridge was never blown, but the Germans could not clear Commonwealth forces from the im međiate area surrounding the bridge. VC stipulates that as part of a Major Victory, the Commonwealth must elimate 6 German steps. VC

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