Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Germans persevere in a mutual test of patience
Author t1M0t8yk
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-02-13
Language English
Scenario EFDx017

Using rules_heretics's supplemental scenario victory conditions, this could be an interesting scenario. He adds the requirement for the Soviets to reach boards 1 & 4, but casualties inflicted is still the priority for both sides.

The Germans set up dispersed across all of boards 5 and 6 north of the road. Infantry are spaced generally two hexes apart. The PzIIIs and mortars are concealed in the bigger field on board 5. The PzIVs are deployed with the infantry north of the big forest. AT batteries are about equally spaced just behind the front line infantry.

The Soviets bring the tanks and infantry onto board 6. Infantry advance through the forest, maintaining concealment to avoid the big German OBA. The tanks advance on the right German flank, which is out of range of the German mortars, at least during initial setup. First the KV1s, KV2s, and T35s peaked around the corner of the forest - the KV1s to threaten the PzIVs, and the KV2s and T35s to take long-range HE shots at the closest German AT battery.

Both sides settled into a distant exchange of volleys. The longest-range Red Army AFVs targeted the closest German AT batteries. Shorter range Russian AFVs and mortars targeted the German grenadiers dug in on the flank. The Russian infantry bided their time in the forest, one hex back from the edge to avoid German OBA. The main German firepower was their OBA, which thus could only target Red Army tanks. The German AT batteries and tanks took whatever low-odds shots the RKKA allowed them. The Germans also started gradually moving other forces eastward.

The RKKA gradually took out a majority of the German AT batteries, but the Germans were able to pick off a few Russian tank steps, too. With a few turns to go both needed two steps to reach the casualty threshold. The Germans got there first. At that point they could retreat to avoid further casualties, so it ended in a slight German victory.

It was at least mildly interesting, but true to PG it required tons of turns with limited action before a result was clear.

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