Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
could be interesting with more German defenders or shorter turn count
Author t1M0t8yk
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2022-01-28
Language English
Scenario EFDx015

The Russians set up fanned out away from the town to the east and southeast. The RKKA plan is to keep the full-strength platoons together with the 7-1-1 lieutenant and draw fire from the German mortar team. The remaining Russians (reduced-strength platoons, HMGs, cavalry, and tanks) will avoid fire as long as possible before assaulting one of the flanks and/or dashing off the east edge. Both forces will prioritize exit. It seems to me there aren't enough Germans to stop rapidly moving Soviets.

The Germans set up the AT battery in the middle of the board in front of the hill, the HMG just behind it on the hill, the mortar team in the woods, and the four infantry platoons with two space spacing to assure all hexes are in two hex DF range of at least one unit.

It played out much as I thought it might. There's just not enough Germans. The Soviets worked both flanks, gradually scooting enough steps off the board. It was over by turn 10. It could be a more interesting scenario with more German defenders, a lower German casualty threshold, a higher RKKA evacuation threshold. Perhaps easiest would be a shorter turn count - I recommend 12 turns instead of 20.

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