Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Go Tell the Spahis!
Author treadasaurusrex (France, Luxembourg)
Victor France, Luxembourg
Participants Chaco
Play Date 2021-12-05
Language English
Scenario FaLu002

This enjoyable, but unbalanced, play-through was completed in only 2-sessions, without using the FOW rule. I played the Luxembourg & French side online with a playful and industrious PG opponent leading the German invaders. Fortunately, the Teutonic invaders failed to inflict unsustainable casualties on the brave Luxembourgese and the allied Spahi cavalry. Instead, through hot die rolls and the blessing of the PG fates, this turned into an unlikely, and very close Allied victory!

As has been reported by others, German engineer units successfully removed all the roadblocks and the infantry battalion seized all but 4 town hexes in the westernmost town. This was a costly undertaking as they lost one platoon of engineers, 3 platoons of infantry and a pair of Pz-I tank platoons (lucky, ling-range 25mm AT Gun shots) in the process. On several occasions, French Spahi cavalry managed to slip by the advancing Germans and were able to mount 3 cavalry charges that eliminated an HMG unit, a half-strength infantry platoon, a Captain, and the German commanding officer. This last loss caused a good deal of havoc and chaos among the remaining Germans, which was fortunate for the Allies as there were only 2-half-strength, disrupted Luxembourgese Militia units remaining, and a smattering of Spahi cavalry units with two surviving AT gun emplacements.

In spite of the victory for the beleaguered Luxembourgese and French, I give this one a grade of 3, due primarily to the unbalanced nature of the scenario. I think that it was not properly play-tested and the setup directions are incomplete. There are no instructions as to the placement of the Luxembourgese roadblocks and no sign of the company of Gendarmes that appear in the first (historical) scenario. It is suitable for SOLO play, but not for shared play, except by masochists.

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