Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Throw them into the lake!
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2021-11-21
Language English
Scenario Saip007

I have never played a game with a more one-sided outcome. The Japanese nigh counterattack was defeated in detail, suffering the equivalent of 50 step losses for no losses by the Marines.

The Marines were defending the beach in a loose line, with clusters of units north and south of the lake as well as in the town just off the beach. They sent forward some platoon-sized patrols along the front to find and fix any Japanese as they approached, buying time for their main thrust to be identified and the rest of the Marines to respond. The Japanese were attacking in three groups, the full Army contingent on an axis directed north of the lake, part of the SNLF directed south of the lake, and the SNLF tanks with infantry support coming up the middle to skirt the southern lake shore and strike directly into the Marine-held town.

The Japanese moved very effectively on their approach, with their tanks driving deep into the American position, but the Marine patrols on the flanks were equally effective in forcing the Japanese into assaults in bad terrain. In the south the SNLF were caught in a crossfire in a valley and struggled to fight their way out. In the north Marine reinforcements in tough two-platoon groups completely disrupted the Japanese advance and bogged them down a kilometer shy of the beach. After three hours the Japanese had sustained very heavy casualties, but had managed to break out a weak company within sight of the beach. But another series of aggressive assaults by the Marines wiped out this last thrust of the Japanese Army. A platoon of Japanese SNLF tanks, locked in a fruitless assault in the main town, were finally finished off by Marine M4s that just arrived on the scene, ending the battle well before dawn broke.

Stunning American victory.

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