Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Vive les chars à lumdering!
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2021-10-24
Language English
Scenario FaoF025

This is a very interesting scenario where both sides are infantry poor. The Germans initially have a firepower advantage that will erode as the French tanks come up, but comes back when the German reinforcements come in. The French tanks are slow and thus they will telegraph their avenue of approach. But the Germans do not have enough to cover most objective and they must hold the bridge. So, I decided to have the German armor delay back and the 37mm ATG plus and engineer platoon hold the center of the ridgeline; this position was protected by mines. The rest of the mines were set up to further slow down the French advance.

The French decided to go for the northern objective towns on both maps with supporting attacks in the center and south to keep the Germans pinned. The R35 battalion easily pushed back the German tanks and captured the objective on Board 31. Then they pushed to the NE pushing through the woods to attack the big town on the north end of Board 29 which was defended by a German engineer platoon and reinforced by a motorcycle platoon. Without infantry the attack was slow as it had to be done by firepower and not assaults. The only French rifle platoon and reduce HMG platoon were brought up to help by they fell back under fire. It took awhile to rally them so they could assist in the assault. In the sought the R35 got bogged down by a 20mm AA gun that would not break. In the center, the Germans fell back late in the game to protect the two small towns. There was never any threat to the bridge as the FlaK 88s were protecting it from the east side of the river high ground. These 88s prevented the French from surrounding any town as exposure to their fire was instant death for French tanks.

The end game was a series of assaults and the Germans could not be broken in the town. And the one time they did, they rallied and came right back in. On the last turn, the French assaults as many German town hexes as they could to deny those points tot he Jerries and this worked. The French won a major victory 40 to 28.

This scenario was fun. it played relatively quickly for the size and number of turns. It was interesting to deal with each side that was not really equipped for this battle, but sometimes you have to do with what you have at hand.

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