Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Arctic Front #1
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Finland
Play Date 2021-05-14
Language English
Scenario AFro001

This scenario is actually rather interesting to play out as others have noted. The Finns must be very casualty adverse while defending, or rather, falling back through the town. If you actually resist without giving way you will likely stop the Soviet force from taking it, but will take far too many losses from the Soviet OBA which is rather impressive.

My play was similar to the rest here. The Finns start up in a defensive line, get a round of shots on the advancing soviets and the fell back a hexline into the town to avoid soviet arty. The exception was the Finn HMG which sat tight with a 2 morale bonus leader and mowed down approaching soviets to the northern end of the town.

The soviets advanced on both the north and south of the town, with all their hmg and tanks in the north, the south being a lighter flanking force of infantry. They would advance adjacent to the Finns, eat OP fire, and then the Finns who had initiative for all but 1 turn would fall back again and repeat. Only after they were backed into a 5 hex perimiter did they stand and fight out the end.

The final losses were 3 to 13 including all the Soviet T26s.

If the VCs were altered to where the Finns had to hold onto 5 or 6 town hexes while taking 5 or less casualties, and the soviets win if the Finns dont, this would actually be a really tight scenario rewarding unusual, fluid play. Instead the Soviets are only fighting for a draw. They have no way to take the town in 12 turns unless the Finns completely leave it empty.

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