Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Bitwa Pancerna
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Poland
Play Date 2021-05-14
Language English
Scenario 34BP004

Scenario 4 introduces the 25TP to the Polish forces which has an armor rating of 4 with an AT rating of 5-8 clearly outclassing the main German tanks for this scenario, the PzIIIF and the two companies of PzIIIG’s with the short 50/L42 tank gun. The German OOB does include a Panzerjager company of PzJg-I’s but these might not last long due to their thin armor & open top. The infantry forces are pretty much equal in terms of infantry platoons and support weapons, although the Germans have the better leadership and more numerous OBA.

Victory conditions are eliminating enemy steps, but other than that there are no other victory conditions or objectives for the two sides to fight over, no VP for exiting steps off the east or west map edge, no towns to control, there was “no nectar to draw the bees to.”

When the opposing armored forces finally got done jockeying for position, the tank battle began with the Polish armor dominating this scenario, especially the 25TP with flank support from the 14TP and S35 which kept the Germans from setting up the cross fire bonus. As predicted the PzJg-I’s did not survive long once they fired and were spotted, they did inflict a step on a 14TP but they died quickly and a couple at long range. Was expecting more from the PzIIIG’s but they struggled to get kills even against the 10TP with armor of 2 (more to my poor dice rolling). It did not help that the Pols concentrated on them since they were the best German tank on the battlefield. Once they were gone the PzIIIF’s really did not stand a chance.

The infantry forces of both sides sat on the sidelines for most of the game waiting on the outcome of the main event, the armor clash, so did not play much of a part in this scenario, besides by the time the armor battle was over the victory conditions were heavily in the Polish favor.

This was the final scenario of Golden Journal #34 Bron Pancerna, overall the booklet was an interesting read and the scenarios were fun to play (except #4). Would like to have seen a scenario or two with the Soviets against the new Polish armor and infantry.

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