Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Kiwis Spoil German Victory h
Author SARACV3
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2021-04-26
Language English
Scenario PoCr002

This 33 counter scenario was more of strategic game than a tactical one. The Germans had two objectives: capture the bridge over the Tavronitis River on board 96 and control the airfield on board 97. Two companies from the low New Zealand 22nd Infantry Battalion stood in the way against seven platoons, two Paratrooper MG platoons and two mortars. The. Kiwis had five infantry platoons and an HMG platoon. They also had 18 points of off-board artillery. The objectives for to hold the bridge, control more hexes of the airfield than the Germans and eliminate at least three German steps. Yet the Kiwis had an a very understrength force to accomplish their task. The 14 turn scenario seemed of sufficient length for an attack to be carefully planned and executed. But in fact the game came down to the last turn.

The New Zealanders found that their force was compromised by a geographically fractured set up. They were forced to put two platoons next to hex #0804 next to the bridge and the rest of the force east of river. If they set up near the river, they could consolidate their force, but the Germans could trap them from the to the west and away from the airfield. They set up east of the of the wadi on the east side of board.

The Germans wiped out the Kiwi outpost near the river by turn three, but one unit of Kiwis fled in DM status. This caused the Germans into two platoons at the bridge. In the meantime, the rest of the paratroopers attacked the Kiiwi line in the wadi area. One platoon circled around the Kiwi line and eventually made it unscathed to the airfield. This forced the Kiwis to move as quick as possible to capture the the airfield. In the end, both sides held one hex of airfield. The Germans could not move fast enough to put more troops on the airfield. They did destroy four Kiwi steps, but this did not play into the victory conditions. Another problem was that ttwo FOW e events on turns 12 and 13 stopped the German advance to the airfield.

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