Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not Enough German Firepower
Author SARACV3
Method Solo
Victor New Zealand
Play Date 2021-04-22
Language English
Scenario PoCr001

A very small scenario at 23 counters and 10 turns. The Kiwis drew a pretty good leader mix: an 11-2-2 lieutenant and a 10-1-1 captain. Everything else was. rated 9 with modifiers. Their objective was simple. Hold onto the 80 m hill. Two out of three hexes were dug-in eligible. The one that was not eligible was broken ground. The Germans drew a mediocre leader drew. No leader rated above a 9, although they did get a 9-1-2 lieutenant.

The Kiwi strategy was one of patience. Their force was very small, only five platoons and an HMG. They let the Germans come to them. The Germans had only five paratrooper platoons, a MG and a mortar with which to attack the fortified hill. Their objective was to capture the three 80 m hexes of Hill 107. To do this in 10 turns seemed a very daunting task, if not impossible. They knew they would have to aggressively assault the Kiwi positions due to the short length of the game.

They made their first contact on turn three. Now on set up rule for the Germans plagued their attack plans. The force was divided into two groups; one north of the hill and the other on the east side of the hill. Unless they consolidated their positions, which would be quite taxing on their timetable, they found that charging straight forward was their oniy other option. They lost two steps in the northern group before they reached the Kiwi positrons on top of the hill. In addition, one leader was demoralized. Another platoon also suffered demoralization. But they still pressed forward, even with the half-platoons. These 3-3 half units still were part of the assault group against the northern 80 m hex. This attack was against a Kiwi position that was not dug-in, but had rocky terrain, making it almost as difficult to attack. The 11-2-2 lieutenant was part of this stack, swhich was completed by two infantry platoons and 8-0-1 major. The Germans assault on this hex featured the two half platoons, a full platoon and a 9-1-0 captain. A 9-0-1 lieutenant also was part of the attack here. But the dice did not favor the Germans. There were no good rolls. They needed at least some 2s or 12s, if not 3s or 11s that would have weakened the Kiwis. As a result, both assaults (on the northern and eastern hexes) just did not produce step losses . The Germans were successful In assaulting the Kiwi positions unmolested (After the initialA losses), but this is where the attacks stalled. After turn 4, The two major assaults, the northern att could not produce any decisive results. One move that helped the defenders!’9 on the 80m eastern hex: they restored this defense to full good order (2 inf. platoons). This occurred on turn 8, and was a blow to the Germans. It was obvious the Germans would not win the game, It was stopped in the eighth turn. Final tally of step losses: New Zealand 0, Germany 2.

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