Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2021-04-17
Language English
Scenario 34BP001

Interesting four scenario book on how the German campaign against Poland might have been different if the Polish forces had better armor and infantry weapons. The S35 and 9TP tanks in this first battle clearly outclass the more numerous PzII’s and are an even match for the few PzIIIF’s in the German OOB.

Things did not start out well for the German Panzers as the opposing armored forces traded blows north of the village on map 4 with the S35’s knocking out a PzIII platoon with the opening shots. The PzII’s were able to get on the flank of the Polish armor to set up the crossfire bonus on the AT Table but they paid a terrible price for that flanking maneuver, with 10 out of 12 PzII platoons knocked out by game end. The PzII’s sacrifice was not in vain as they helped the PzIIIs, with minor help from the towed 37mm ATGs, knockout 70% of the Polish Armor, the German dice were hot which did not hurt.

While the opposing armor was trading blows to the north of the village, the German Infantry was skirting south of the village staying just outside of HMG range trying to get to the woods in the southeast corner and off the map. The Polish forces used their two batteries of OBA to interdict the German advance but all they did was disrupt or slow down a company of infantry. There was a firefight in the woods with the Polish defenders but the German forces quickly overwhelmed them.

If the scenario victory conditions were only about step losses the Polish side would have won a minor victory but the Germans had another VC which was points for each undemoralized step that exited off the east map edge, most of the German infantry as well their support weapons made it off the map edge which tipped the victory conditions back to the Germans.

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