Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Germany Didn’t Stand a Chance- Think Again!
Author SARACV3
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2021-04-07
Language English
Scenario PoCr018

The VC appears to favor Creforce in this scenario. They are a third more powerful in their attack strength than the Germans. But this is deceiving. The object is to control the 3 hex town of Prevolta. The Australia /Greek force must advance up hilly terrain to gain the town. The Germans do have the option of setting up only 3 hexes from the Allied entrance, or anywhere on the But they only have 8 units - 5 Paratroopers, 2 mortars, and a Paratrooper MG. It was s thought they had a good defensive plan. However, the plan was problematic. Placement of the defenders in and around the town was key. unfortunately, they tried to cover too much geography with putting troops on the flanks to the town.

The Greeks/Aussies advanced spread out to avoid ccasualties. But this caused a problem in organizing the attack. First, Creforce was out of position to launch a strong attack on the Germans. In fact, the Greeks formed the main attack against the town- not good considering the Greek platoon strength of 3-2. The Australians were to right of the town. Their mission was to fight through a few dug-in positions.Then they were to swing left towards the town. But they faltered. Although one stack of Aussies were able to assault the town, they lost a couple steps in the process. The Greeks had more success. They captured a town hex uncontested! The Germans failed to appreciate the Greek threat In addition to abandoning one town hex, they spread out to prevent being surrounded by the Allies. But there was no need because the town provided a formidable defense in itself.

The end result was that the Germans occupied (not controlled) two town hexes, which fulfilled a marginal victory. The Allies lost 7 steps; the Germans just one.

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