Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Battle of the Bulge #25
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2021-03-15
Language English
Scenario BaBu025

This scenario sees an overwhelming combined arms force of Germans taking out an American blocking force of armor while paratrooper reinforcements arrive from the south. Unfortunately there isnt a whole lot to game here. The American armor if flimsy and will not last one turn's worth of fire from the advancing panzers. Once they are eliminated, the American force will fall over very quickly. Based on the undefeated record for the Germans thus far in the scenario, it seems my experience was fairly universal.

The American's only shot to win this, or at the very least keep the game going past the first handful of the 36 turns is to set up in firing positions and take the first shots at the Germans while praying to roll hot. The Germans cant set up in spotting range of the town, so this first salvo is possible. Unfortunately, all the shots will be even rolls from the Shermans or +1s from the hellcats, assuming the German's main effort is fueled by the PZIVHs. The return fire from the Germans will be at +2 or +3, and the Germans far outnumber the Americans. So really, you need to roll very hot, or you will fold instantly. You also cant stash armor around the map to set up crossfire shots, as every terrain piece except for roads and the town on B10 is ignored.

Because of that, its simply not worth the effort to set this one up. Plenty of more interesting scenarios in the module.

On the plus side, this scenario does include early efforts of the scored victory conditions that would later be far more frequent. Its still not enough to make this one winnable for the Americans (they received more VPs for eliminating enemy steps than the Germans do).

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