Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author SteveBEsq
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2021-01-22
Language English
Scenario Airb001

Initially the paratroopers worked their way toward the town near the SE corner of the board using hedgerows for cover while the Germans sat quietly. The 105mm and one platoon of grenadiers were dug in on the road next to the woods (0606) while one platoon of grenadiers and a HMG section were dug in in the SE town (0803) and the 81mm was dug in next to them (0704). When the first American reinforcements arrived they consolidated into a single group and worked their way through the woods. German opportunity fire was useless when the Americans entered the woods leading to an American charge and hand to hand fighting which went back and forth for an hour and a half until the German position was eliminated. Meanwhile by the SE town the American broke through the hedgerows south of the town and a firefight that continued throughout the afternoon with each side getting disrupted but the Germans refusing to yield an inch and the Screaming Eagles bending but not breaking. Unable to advance the two platoons of paratroopers waited for reinforcements. When the reinforcements finally did arrive they did so as German opportunity fire improved. The tanks were demoralized shortly after entering the board and the HMG platoon did the same. Thanks to off board artillery the 81mm was silenced but too late to allow victory for the American. In the end the Germans lost 4 steps and the American held one of the two towns with no step losses.

NOTE - re-reading the victory conditions I realize this was actually a German win as they merely had to hold one of the two towns to win.

IMPRESSION -A scenario I will play again to see how the Americans can prevail but maddening in having enough to always bring the GErmans to the brink of breaking but not enough to finish them off.

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