Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Cosi` e` la vita!
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Ethiopia
Play Date 2021-01-21
Language English
Scenario COOE004

Was looking forward to playing this scenario for several reasons, first the Italian Regulars and their Red Fezzed Colonial troops (Ascari) make their first appearance in the game. On the Ethiopian side the neon yellow Imperial Irregulars are back in the lineup since first appearing in scenario one.

The Ethiopian forces setup dug-in on the south end of their setup area to be as close as possible to their reinforcements and to make the Banda march a long way to engage them as well as any Italian forces coming from the east.

It was the Regia Aeronautica who drew first blood on turn 6 and again on turn 7 when they bombarded the dug-in Ethiopian positions on the hill. The Banda had just reached the enemy dug in positions and began their assault, which did not go as well as hoped and became a stalemate, things started to go downhill from there for the Italian forces.

It all started with the Italian Colonial reinforcements being late getting on the board, which allowed the Ethiopian reinforcements, who arrived on time, to set up a strong dug-in defensive position along the trail near the bottom of the map, while sending two companies to clear out the hill of all Banda forces.

Once the Colonial troops got on the board they made several probing attacks to try and reduce, disrupt or demoralize the Ethiopian forces but were repulsed each time with heavy casualties while they waited for the Italian Regulars to tip the balance back in their favor.

Alas it was not till after dark, on turn 16, that the Italian Regulars finally got on the board. They made a bee line for the Ethiopian forces as quickly as they could to join the Colonial forces who renewed their assault but there was not enough time left in the scenario to bring all their forces into contact with the Ethiopian forces who had a strong defensive position along the trail and on the hill.

Cosie la vita!

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