Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Leyte 1944, Scenario Forty: Invalid Address
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2020-12-19
Language English
Scenario Leyt040

Leyte 1944, Scenario Forty: Invalid Address

This is kind of a novelty scenario but after reading about it, I had to get it into the scenario mix and try and make it work. The Japanese are trying to land SNLF reinforcements at Ormoc not knowing it has already fallen into American hands. It is night and the Japanese land uncoordinated troops filled barges, transports, Daihatsus and Type 2 Ka-Mi amphibious tanks into the teeth of the American units. Story has it, this is the first time in history one amphibious tank sunk another.

In my game, the Americans setup first and have to spread-out across the maps, as they don’t know where the Japanese will enter and this gives the Japanese a small chance to see where to make they landings and the best American opening to push inland. The Japanese decide to hit the weaker defended north area in the American lines and all hell breaks loose soon after that. A number of strange engagements happen and the Japanese find a small hole and push some units through it and by the end of the scenario have pushed four good order units off the east edge of the maps even after the American shift their lines to engage but only achieving one out of three victory objectives, the Americans win a minor victory.

This scenario clearly favors the Americans but it is pretty fun to play and see if you can get either side to do better historically.

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