Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Thunder in Calais
Author leonard (Britain, France)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants unknown
Play Date 2020-12-03
Language English
Scenario RtDk023

I know what you're thinking: how does he dare to give a "5" for one of his own scenarios ? Well, aside feeling a bit ashamed about this issue, I have to confess about pleasure or full satisfaction. Satisfied with the results of the design and pleased by intense play.

Design. I especially like city fight PG scenarios and there are not many of them. Calais fighting in 1940 was an obvious candidate: I've drawn that map on purpose and it fulfills its role, quite complex with canals, bridges and town hexes everywhere. Railways markers through the city are good-looking. A lot of minefields, artillery at pointblank, a German demolition tank platoon, roadblocks, ruins, building on fire, engineers, a sIG platoon, casemates: wow ! I've included special events occuring when initiative dice rolls are equal and it works very well adding another touch of historicity to the scenario. In 23 game turns, we've had a sniper event, a mech breakdown event (my A13 tank lost a track and was immobilized) and two more allowing the players to have two action segments in a row.

Play of the scenario. We play face-to-face with all optional rules except for Logistic shortfall. The scenario was a real nail biter going down to the last action of the very last turn. The final result was a draw with something like 39 (Allies)-40 (Germans) VPs. I remember firing my British HMG point blank on the sIG on the railway and forgetting to add 1 column for overstacking (Kfz13 and SK10/4 in same hex). It was a "X" on an open top vehicle ! I remember the Demolition tank (PzI with demolition charge) dropping its load on my French sailors and getting a "2X" right away in the middle of a big smoke column... I remember the extreme western corner of the canal - a narrow passage between the minefields - where the German player had 1 x Eng, 2 X Inf, 1 X HMG on the southern bank of the canal in smoking ruins and trying to cross the canal... 4 or 5 turns in a row... with no result...stuck on the canal vertical concrete walls. The British minefields all set up along the western part of the canal were deadly; Allied Naval artillery was harmless but the German one was a killer. There were assaults everywhere on the line with both sides constantly exiting/reinforcing the stacks.

Intense ! Overall, I feel happy to get a draw in this one. It was "like a snail on a razorblade" as they say.

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