Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The first ladder challenge, a tie on the bottom rung.
Author plloyd1010 (Soviet Union)
Victor Soviet Union
Participants tlangston28
Play Date 2020-10-29
Language English
Scenario CCV1024

At least we got on the ladder and off the ground. We chose Seelow Heights with the Random Scenario function, accepting the first result in both our libraries. Agreed optional rules were Ruins, Consolidation, and Fog of War. Otherwise it was 4th Edition RaW.

Victory conditions in Seelow Heights are not nuanced, no victory levels, just win or lose. The German 20th Panzer Grenadier Division (whats left of it) is facing off against the 54th Guards Rifle Division. The Russians have a heavy armor and artillery support. I had the Germans for the first round.

I tried a 2 layer defense. The basic plan was having an infantry block in the town, then defend the heights with the Russians under a time crunch (assuming that the town held out long enough). The plan worked well enough. The Russians drive their armor over the northern hill and moved against the north heights. I was driven back to the woods under heavy artillery barrages. Eventual the town was cleared, but by then my heights defense was being cleared. The game ended with the Germans confined to the woods and effective option to jump out and denigh road control.

In the 2nd round, as the Russian attack, I faced an upfront defense of the town. The Germans giving support fire from the heights. Initial Russian casualties were quite high. The town was surrounded and the Russians closed in. The Russian tanks went hunting for German armor. German anti-tank guns were silenced with artillery ever time they took a shot. Eventual the town was cleared, but there was also Russian infantry threatening the heights. The phase of clearing the heights turned into a rabbit chase of a last German grenadier company. The 2nd round went right to wire, but again, the Germans were flatted by the Russian steamroller.

The challenge result is a draw. I think the upfront defense worked better than my layered defense. Either way, the germans have a near impossible task in this scenario.

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