Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tigers matter
Author NBGB
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-10-02
Language English
Scenario KRBT012

This was the third game in the "Graveyard of Armor "series and my last for a while. This one was a rather large battle. The objectives were very similar to the other 2 battles. Exit units off the board, hold the high ground, clear the trail. The Nazi horde needed 2 of 3 conditions for a minor victory and they got 2. The 40M hills and exiting the units.

In this battle, the Heroes of the Motherland had some good infantry numbers, half a dozen 76.2 field guns plenty of entrenchments, and some RKKA armor. The Germans had plenty of armor including 5 platoons of the mighty Tiger. The Tiger usage in these 3 scenarios is mainly for opening up holes in the entrenchments and dug in positions. They can pretty easily handle the Russian armor and in this case, had PzIVH and PzIII support. The Germans also had a decided edge in airpower although it wasn't terribly effective. Russian airpower was not effective. The Germans disposed of most of the Russian retreating tank forces to start the battle. Some T34's maneuvered in the valleys and proved to be tough to root out for a couple of hours. The Germans focused on knocking out the 76mm guns as they were the only threat to bringing up the halftracks and lighter armor.

After a few hours, the guns were silenced by the Tigers, OBA, and some airpower. The rule that the 76's have to fire at their own sited targets and have the only other AT capability put them in the entrenchments on the front line. The Germans soon broke through the dug in positionns with plenty of PG's and lots of halftrack machine gun fire and tank support.

These 3 scenarios gave me good practice on going around entrenchments as they are very difficult to knock out, especially when there is a network of reinforcements to refill them.

The Germans had a lot of units disrupted and demoralized but only lost 25 steps. The Russians took their usual beating and lost 92 steps. (All of their armor included)

These 3 scenarios played sequentially did a good job of showing how difficult it was for the Germans to advance on such a short timetable.

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