Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Deja Vu
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Australia
Play Date 2020-09-25
Language English
Scenario KoCa008

This was the first scenario in the Isurava series that the Japanese forces were not restricted to either the East or West side of the creek that runs down the center of the map, thus the Japanese would alter their plan of attack from previous scenarios hoping to catch the Aussies off guard.

The plan called for the engineers, 3 HMG’s, 2 infantry companies and the 70mm gun to make for the village of Isurava as a feint to hold the Aussies forces in place, while the rest of the 144th Regiment would head down the east trail to reinforce the 1st Battalion with the goal of capturing the village of Alola (0414), which would deny the Aussies a Major Victory and possibly working back up the trail north capturing Isurava from behind or the five villages for a Major Japanese Victory.

This force made surprisingly good progress on the left of Isurava by over running several enemy units, one hidden. They had help from accurate indirect mortar fire that disrupted and demoralized the enemy just when it mattered most. The threat to Isurava drew in the Aussie reserves from the Rest House, which committed them early in the battle. The fighting in and around the village would continue for the rest of the scenario.

The Eastern Japanese force headed down the trial uncontested until they ran into Aussie forces defending Abuari. After an intense but short firefight the Japanese forces pushed the enemy out of the village and into the jungle. The follow on Japanese forces continued down the trail passing the waterfall on their way to Alola, with victory in sight.

It was at this time that the Aussie forces defending Abuari rallied and come out of the jungle to assault the village. Several Japanese units had to halt their advance and head back up the trail to help their comrades at Abuari.

With 2 turns left in the scenario there were 3 contested villages (Isurava, Alola, Abuari), the Japanese player needed to capture 2 out of the 3 to achieve a Minor Victory. On the other hand the Aussies needed to eliminate 5 Japanese steps for them to earn a Minor Victory.

The Japanese decided to go for the victory by launching an all-out attack regardless of the outcome, even though they gained the village of Abuari, they lost 5 steps during all of the attacks & counter attacks by the determined Australian forces.

Once again the Aussies dice got hot and pulled the rabbit out of the hat, as in several earlier scenarios it come down to the wire, the last turn, the last activation to see which side would be victorious.

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