Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Soviet Artillery and Armor win the day
Author tlangston28 (Soviet Union)
Victor Soviet Union
Participants plloyd1010
Play Date 2020-09-09
Language English
Scenario CCV1024

This was a game played against Peter Lloyd in what is the first Braacket challenge. After graduating the VASSAL academy, the challenge was laid and accepted and I ended up with the Soviets attacking Seelow Heights.

The Germans had setup mostly on the Heights with infantry and mortars dug-in or entrenched in the woods next to the road. dug-in AT Guns at the top of the hill and dug in infantry and armor consisting of a Hetzer and StuH42 sat on the ledge facing the Soviet onslaught. A forward contingent was deployed in the town on the road and a mortar company was placed on the northern hill between the heights and the town. Since victory entailed clearing the east-west road and adjacent town hexes on that road, the Soviets, having numerical advantage in both infantry and armor, opted to implement a frontal attack with the armored units entering on the northern flank.

Early on, with leaders perched on the heights spotting, German artillery and mortar fire began to disrupt part of the command structure by disrupting and demoralizing leaders which stalled the advance toward town. the armored units and mortars were able to proceed unhindered around the north flank and climb the hill where the German mortar company was firing. Despite the disruption, some Soviet units were able to make the outskirts of town and engage the forward units in assault. The remaining troops began to bypass the town in order to get within spotting range for the heavy Soviet artillery. As the Soviet T34/85s crested the hill, they were able to use the forest as cover and through some excellent shooting (die rolls), were able to dispatch the Hetzer and StuH42. By this time, some Soviet infantry and leaders were able to get to the northern hill and spot some of the AT Guns on the heights and the effective Soviet artillery took over from there, knocking out the remaining AT threats except for a lone gun in the woods on the heights south of the road.

Despite the clearing of the German armor and AT Guns, the Soviet infantry still had a rough time approaching the Heights as spotters continued to drop artillery and mortar causing disruptions and halts as recoveries were needed. However, the numbers were beginning to play against the Germans and the Soviet artillery was dishing out just as much, if not more damage. The assault in the eastern town on the road was finally cleared and when the armor was able to roam free towards the Heights, they soon assisted in the assault on the entrenchments and the remaining German hold-outs retreated into the southern woods off the road. With 4 turns left and the Soviets in control of the road and town, the Germans conceded.

The game lasted for 16 turns and could have been fought for the 4 remaining turns but the Germans had no hope of clearing the tanks and infantry from the road that had essentially blocked any attempt for a last minute scramble. It was a very interesting scenario to play but the Soviets do have the advantage in artillery (60BF - 16BF) and armor (3x T34/85s, 2x SU-122, 1x SU-152 vs. 1x Hetzer and 1 StuH42) and even with a good setup (which Peter had) the Germans are hard-pressed. I guess I will find out as we will flip sides for the return match in our Braacket play, of which I am looking forward.

Overall, a fun scenario to play and rated a 4.

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