Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Edelweiss #16
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2020-09-04
Language English
Scenario Edel016

At first glance, this scenario looks like most of the fairly vanilla and poorly balanced scenarios in this module. The Germans will enter down the road and using their superior morale and firepower to shove aside the Italians as they have done so with the Russians numerous times before. The Italians do have numbers and the hillside to their advantage.

However there is an interesting twist, in that the Germans also have a special rule to represent the surprise of this attack, as the Italians had just switched sides.The Germans can approach this scenario as they normally would, and use their air strikes (im using 3rd edition before the crazy 4th air rules), mortars, and HMGs to wear down the position, finally pushing the Italians out in the end. Or they can approach for several turns to the Italian positions unopposed as long as they do not initiate combat. In this case the Germans could close all the way to be adjacent, and then initiate clean assaults on turn 4.

The Italians deployed in two groups in the hills, the main force to the south and a distraction force to the North. As the VCs can be easily triggered by the Italian distraction force, they cannot be ignored. The Southern force was deployed with the Italian artillery and mortars. The decided to mass enough to be able to try to contest the hills rather then scatter and run, forcing the Germans to chase them .

The German choice to advance unopposed was likely the incorrect one. They were able to launch a clean assault and gain a foothold in the Italian position, but the close range was deadly and the Italians began to wear them down. The Italians did roll well, but because the German force is small, each step lost really has an effect. Eventually the Italians moved their distraction force south and hit the German mortars as their main force was tied up on the hill.

After 11 turns, the Italians had eliminated enough steps to win, forcing the Germans to play for a draw. The Germans were pushed back with most of the force demorilized. They were able to lick their wounds for a few turns and reorganize themselves while the air power kept the Italians from pursuing as they attempted to reform as well. As the closing turns came, the regrouped Germans made one last push on the hill, but it wasnt enough to clear out the Italians from their firing positions on the road.

The was bizarrely the most closely run scenario I have played in the series in a long time. Could have just been the dice at the end of the day though. Really enjoyed this one as it produced a very dynamic battle.

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