Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Slogging through Woods
Author mitch2234
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-06-17
Language English
Scenario BaBu009

The game began easily enough, with American 105mm set up in 0911 on trail near town hexes, assuming a German advance from the main road on eastern edge of the board. Wrong move. The Germans entered with 3 GREN and a 0-10-1 Captain along the trail one hex east of 1215. They swiftly advanced up the trail and were quickly within firing range of the artillery. A second wave arrived with the 81mm mortar team and 2 more GREN units.

The third turn looked dire for the American artillery piece, which made to limber on board a truck stacked with it for that purpose. Two stacks of 2 GREN, each stacked with a Lieutenant, were now in position, along with the 81mm mortar, all adjacent to the 0-10-1 Captain. The activations came fast and furious, leading to a good direct fire among the 4 GRENs and a useless mortar bombardment before the American reinforcements could enter at the end of Turn Three.

Things got more interesting as the reinforcements advanced up the road and through the woods to strike the GREN stacks from the left flank. A German HMG team had entered at the track and advanced to one of the 2 GREN stacks, making a deadly direct fire situation. The direct fire cut up the stack of American reinforcements and demoralized one INF. Some of the other reinforcements quickly trucked up the road to the town hexes to take position with the 105mm artillery, still attempting to limber.

Next turn, the Germans got 2 more GREN units on to the board, entering east of 1209 on the main road. Now the American M16 had targets, but the focus on helping the 105mm artillery was lost. The distraction worked and the German Captain activated the 2 stacks of 2 GREN (+ HMG team) and shredded the truck, disrupting it and the artillery both. Things looked bad. Until the infantry and officer transported from the southern edge, now in the town hex, came to the rescue. The following turn, the artillery and truck were righted by a good recovery of morale.

By now, the German 2 GREN stacks had been reinforced with another GREN. Now: first stack had 2 GREN plus 1 HMG, second stack had 3 GREN. The rest off on main road as decoys.

Back and forth it went, the woods helping to shield the truck until turn 8. On that turn, the German GREN stacks were finally able to combine and make a withering adjacent direct fire at 45+ combat factors column, with a die roll of 12. The truck and artillery piece were destroyed on the result of 3X.

Game over, victory to the Germans. Beware poor setup is the lesson for the Americans here.

Overall a fun scenario that involved a lot of hide-and-seek in the woods.

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