Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Indian swamp rebels.
Author waynebaumber (Hyderabad)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Gurkha, India
Participants tlangston28 (AAR)
Play Date 2020-05-20
Language English
Scenario InUn007

This scenario has a large Indian/Gurkha combined arms force with air support attacking a numerous Hyderabadi force with armoured cars and a long A/T ditch covering the entire front of the defending forces. This is meaty scenario using 3 boards and about 30 units each side. However its perhaps the worst scenario in this otherwise good game. The Indian player has to solve the problem of getting across the A/T ditch to assault one of the two towns, once he has cleared a path for his tanks, then providing the on board artillery and aircraft have found and neutralised the Hyderabad A/T guns, then its only a matter of time before Indian firepower and Assault skills bring victory. This will take some time has the Indian player has to amass twice as many VP's as his opponent. In our game Tony did just that, using ING and WPN units with good leaders to sweep the enemy units away from the A/T ditch, SAP to clear just one hex and then the Shermans could move to help the Gurkha's clear the town. To be fair to the scenario it took him 18 turns to do this but to be honest if it had not been for some early FOW rolls the game should have been over at least two turns prior to GT18. The final Step loss ratio was 44 Hyderbadi step losses to 4 for the Indians which shows how uneven the contest was even though the VP ratios was exactly 2-1 when we called the game which makes it sound an exciting game. Tony played well throughout and I did not make to many mistakes. *The problem is once the defending player has done his set up he has very little to do, the fire power at his disposel is weak and it is just a case of often rolling low OF/DF hoping to get Double 1's or 6's. To be honest it was a bit of a bore. This scenario could work as a solo with as its an interesting puzzle for the defence in setting up and for the attackers to break down that defence but as a FtF game it leaves a little to be desired. *

2020-05-20 23:57

44 to 4 step loss? Yikes! This is highest slaughter I’ve ever heard of in PG. I’ll have to explore the scenario.

Craig Martin

(And love to play a shared scenario w your “throwback “system one of these days,because I’m a bit impartial to clipping counters if you know what I mean.)

2020-05-21 03:47

It takes a special kind of ineptness to lose that many steps, I can't even blame the dice on this occasion.

2020-05-25 07:41

Today I saw 47 gray KIA in another scenario. The guy’s off the hook: I can’t remember who he was!

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