Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Class in session - Bombardment 2
Author tlangston28
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-04-05
Language English
Scenario PGUM002

This is the second scenario in the Mentoring book on the Self-Study track to gain access to the VASSAL modules of PG.

This involves a company of German infantry including an HMG and 81mm mortar unitdefending a hill with some artillery support. The Soviets have more infantry, HMGs and 81mm mortars plus massed artillery and an aircraft available.

The Soviets setup on the in the fields to the north except for the 3 mortars that are in the woods hex (0314) with a SGT 8-0-0. The soviets bombard the hill for the entire scenario as the Infantry attempted to move up enough to try an assault when the bombardments reduce the units. However, Soviet artillery, though massive, fail to really cause damage until late in the game by destroying the German Mortar and reducing a German Infantry unit. The soviets were able to cause some demoralization but not enough to push the Germans off and the German artillery and mortar were able to disrupt and demoralize the advancing Soviets enough to fend off any real threat.

This is a decent scenario as a solitaire exercise and illustrates the necessity of bombarding a fixed position to soften up the defense. On to scenario 3!

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